Local stop smoking services are free, friendly and can massively boost changes of quitting for good.
Recent training on “Very Brief Advice on Smoking” has taught the clinical team at Peritus that advice from health professionals is one of the most important triggers to making a quit attempt and that smokers were almost twice as likely to try to stop smoking if they have been offered support from a health care professional compared with those who had been simply advised to stop.
The importance of recommending both support and treatment as part of VBA is highlighted by a study which showed that, compared with no advice to smokers, the odds of quitting were 68% higher if stop smoking medication was offered and 217% higher when behavioural support was also offered.
Employers can support their employees in advertising the Specialist Stop Smoking Services. If you have enough employees interested, they may even offer the services on your site.
Stop smoking support services near you can be found through the NHS website.