Sector specific guidance
Here are some sector specific guidance we have put together. If you have any questions please get in touch.
Engineering health
The Engineering Sector has specific health needs: our services are tailored to your health risk management journey from exposure monitoring, spray booth clearance times, biological monitoring to musculo-skeletal management, health surveillance and sickness absence management.
Construction & utilities health
Peritus is a SEQOHS accredited OH Construction provider with extensive experience in the Construction Industry. Providing exposure monitoring for noise, dust, vibration and tailored health surveillance programmes conveniently in mobile screening units at your sites.
Manufacturing health
From air monitoring to health surveillance, we work with customers large and small to provide an integrated approach to health risk management. Whether exposure to flour dust or cleaning fluids, pre-employment health assessments to sickness absence referrals, we provide it all.
Education health
Schools, Further Education Colleges and Universities all have very specific health needs. Whether ensuring fitness to teach, controlling health risks in construction, animal care, or textiles, or managing sickness absence, Peritus Health has extensive experience in the Education Sector.