seqohs accredited

Workplace exposure monitoring

Workplace exposure measurements quantify exposure and support risk assessment, management decisions and demonstration of legal compliance.

Whether noise, air, vibration exposure, our BOHS Trained Occupational Hygienist provide the science behind minimising the risk of work-related ill health and support you in your health risk management journey ensuring a practical approach to legal compliance.

Workplace air monitoring identifies substances which have the potential to be hazardous to health through ingestion, inhalation or absorption through the skin or other body membranes can occur in many forms.

Whether solids, liquids, gases, vapours, dusts, fumes, spores or other biological agents, the likelihood of harm must be assessed, and the risk controlled so far as is reasonably practicable.

‘No substance is a poison by itself, it is the dose that makes a substance a poison’ – Paracelsus 1540

To assess the risk from airborne hazards, air hygiene monitoring may be indicated to find out the employee ‘dose’ or exposure level.

We offer:

  • Review of COSHH and Safety Data Sheets and work activities
  • Full shift air hygiene testing with real time dust monitoring to identify peak exposures with a British Occupational Hygiene Society trained and experienced Occupational Hygienist
  • Comprehensive air monitoring report detailed with practical control solutions and action plan
  • Continuous specialist support with your health risk management journey
  • Free telephone advice

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations places duties on employers based on the employees’ daily personal noise exposure or their peak sound exposure.  Responsibilities for hearing loss caused by exposure to loud noise starts at the lower exposure action value of 80 dB for the daily dose or 135 dB for the peak exposure. Noise can cause hearing damage at 76 dB(a).

As a rough estimate of whether a noise survey is required:

 Probable Noise LevelExposure timeNoise Monitoring indicated
Noise is intrusive but normal conversation is possible80dB> 6 hoursyes
You have to shout to talk to someone 2 metres away85dB> 2 hoursyes
You have to shout to talk to someone 1 metre away90 dB> 45 minsyes

We offer:

  • Review of work activities and noise exposure times
  • Occupational noise assessments with static and personal dose monitors
  • Comprehensive report detailed with practical control solutions and action plan
  • Continuous specialist support with your health risk management journey
  • Free telephone advice

Exposure to vibration from using hand-held power tools, hand guided equipment or holding materials worked on by hand-fed machines can cause hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) or carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Prolonged gripping, repetitive work, sustained or excessive force when using the tools or equipment can add to the risk.

Peritus undertakes a ‘whole hazard’ approach to managing HAVS and CTS risk, but not only measuring vibration levels using HSE recommended sampling methods, but considering trigger time, workstation design and upper limb positioning, and the manual effort required for the tasks.

We offer:

  • Review of work activities, musculo-skeletal risk, exposure times
  • On tool or hand transmitted vibration assessment with dose monitors
  • Comprehensive report detailed with practical control solutions and action plan
  • Employee education
  • Continuous specialist support with your health risk management journey
  • Free telephone advice

Biological monitoring involves the analysis of urine, blood or breath samples collected from exposed employees to measure for the uptake of chemicals or their metabolites (substances the body converts the chemical into).

Biological monitoring measurements tell us the total uptake of a chemical by an employee by all routes of exposure: inhalation, ingestion, absorption or a combination of all). The measurements tell us whether the total control measures are sufficient (or not).

Whilst they may indicate the potential risk of work-related ill health, biological monitoring measurements do not give any indication of adverse health effects on an individual. The monitoring is usually undertaken alongside other health risk management support as they are only part of the total picture.

Common exposures requiring biological monitoring include:

  • metals from welding – chromium, nickel, cobalt,
  • isocyanates
  • solvents

We offer:

  • Review of COSHH and Safety Data Sheets and work activities
  • Provision of biological monitoring tests and consenting process with blood tests taken by our clinical team
  • Report detailing the risks, results, and implications
  • Continuous specialist support with your health risk management journey
  • Free telephone advice

Substances that can cause dermatitis or skin damage, or chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin and cause toxic effects, can remain on surfaces for long periods.

Substances can also be ingested from employees eating, drinking or smoking with contaminated hands.

Skin and surface wipes help detect the presence of such risks and are used when investigating routes of workplace exposure.

We offer:

  • review of workplace practices and professional investigation of reports of work-related ill health or exposures
  • skin and surface wiping, biological monitoring and air monitoring done together to provide a complete picture
  • Comprehensive report detailed with routes of exposure and likely exposure levels, practical control solutions and action plan
  • support with health risk management

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Case study

One of two welders were identified as having cobalt, nickel and chromium in their urine during biological monitoring.  The air monitoring results suggested excellent control and so skin and surface wipes of the hands, face, the inside of the air-fed hood and gloves were taken. 

The surface wipes indicated contamination of the gloves, hands and air-fed hood. 

Training was refreshed on correct storage and cleaning of the PPE, good housekeeping and hand hygiene. 

Continued biological monitoring indicated a significant improvement in control.

workplace exposure monitoring
Services we provide
Sector specific guidance
Customer feedback
“Julian and his team have helped us change the working environment and people’s understanding of staff practices. We have a much better working environment thanks to Peritus Health.”

SHEQ Manager, Somerset

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At Peritus Health we’re determined to make the occupational health and hygiene process as easy as possible. We’re here to help you every step of the way. We are available Monday to Friday from 8am until 5pm. 

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