seqohs accredited

Health and wellbeing

Work and Health and Wellbeing are closely and powerfully linked (Black, 2008). Activities targeting this important area need to contribute to the business strategy and offer a return on investment.

Having a strategy that includes a range proactive, reactive and wellbeing-focussed measures offers a flexible framework of resources to support your workforce.

Compliance first

Good HR and Health and Safety improves health and wellbeing and productivity and reduces workplace injuries and sickness absence (Public Health Scotland). Proactive measures to plan and monitor your approach to health and wellbeing and comply with legal obligations.

Business risk

Assess and manage business risk by identifying and addressing specific trends, providing tailored support.

Awareness & engagement

A range of wellbeing -focussed options that are good to have in raising awareness, providing information and resources for the physical, mental, social and financial wellbeing of your employees.

Compliance first

Employers have a duty of care to protect employees from stress-related ill-health arising from work1.

Through structured risk assessment and review of current work practices we can help you create your strategy, identify what needs to be done and the plan of how to do it.

Working through the process with your management team provides them with confidence in both managing stress and managing people with stress and can result in reduced sickness absence and staff turnover.   

As a responsible employer, we can help you embed wellbeing into your organisational culture and make sure current working practices don’t undermine existing efforts to support mental health.

  • Stress Risk Management compliance
  • Reduced Sickness Absence
  • Reduced Staff Turnover


1 Management of Health & Safety at Work Act 1999

Thriving At Work2 recommendations support the development of mental health at work plans, open communication and routine monitoring of employee mental health.

A recent national survey showed 39% of employees however still reported poor mental health due to work 3.

Your health and wellbeing policy reflects the action you are taking as a result of your stress risk assessment.  This should be kept current and be auditable.

We can help you review and develop current policies to ensure you meet the needs of your business, ensure compliance and become an employer of choice.  

  • Stress Risk Management compliance
  • Employee engagement
  • Reduced staff turnover
  • Reduced presenteeism


2 Stevenson Farmer Review, 2017
3 Business in the Community, 2019

Employers must do workstation assessments for all those working with display screen equipment on a regular basis.


Working from home poses a new challenge:  additional resources may be required so that staff can do their job with minimal risk.

We train DSE Champions or employees to manage these risks as situations change.  This allows flexibility to meet the needs of your employees and ensure compliance.

Ergonomic Assessments

 Whether managing manual handling, repetitive / forceful tasks or awkward positioning, ergonomic assessments must be undertaken to minimise the risk of injury from work practices and reduce potential musculo-skeletal disorders and associated sickness absence & claims.

Our Specialists work with you to assess and minimise risks in your work activities and support your training programmes.

  • Manual Handling Regulations compliance
  • Management Regulations compliance
  • Reduced MSD injury claims and experience


Business risk

Workplace counselling has been shown to be highly effective4. Research by the British Occupational Health Research Foundation showed that for people with mental health concerns, counselling helped them to remain in work or return to work more quickly5.

Counselling and CBT are talking therapies that offer a confidential space to understand our own mental health, identify coping strategies and can provide lasting effective change.

The number of sessions varies per person though we recommend 4-6 sessions as a starting point for an improvement in wellbeing for common mental health problems such as anxiety, stress and depression6.

We offer telephone, online or in-person counselling at our Brighouse office.

This service is available on demand or as a pre-agreed number of sessions per employee.  Support provided as you need it.

  • Immediate employee support
  • Reduced sickness absence
  • Improved employee focus
  • Stress Risk Management compliance

4 McLeod, 2001
5 British Occupational Health Research Foundation, 2005 
6 Mellor-Clark et al, 2013

Early intervention following injury promotes rapid recovery and reduced sickness absence.

Our OH Advisors can support with provision of general injury management and return to work advice.

Physiotherapy provided face to face or remotely can help meet the employee’s immediate health needs, provide better therapy outcomes and an early return to work for your employee.

Bespoke exercise programmes prescribed for employees that can be viewed on any mobile or desktop device.

Physiotherapy management reports are sent to Occupational Health in 24 hours to inform overall advice.

Spinal Education classes can provide a perfect solution for self – help rehabilitation or prevention requirements.

  • A reduction in time and cost associated with attending off site physiotherapy and other medical appointments
  • Promotes a faster return to work and function
  • Easy access to face-to-face treatment

An Employee Assistance Programme can offer your employees support and practical advice through:

  • Counselling
  • Legal and advice helpline
  • Financial and debt counselling
  • Management support and advice
  • Critical incident support
  • Optional wellbeing portal and app

An EAP is paid for in advance to be accessed by employees as required, and available 24/7 on a confidential basis.

Prices vary according to company size and needs so please contact us for more details.

  • Rapid access to BACP counsellors and CAB trained Information and Guidance Advisors.
  • Immediate employee support
  • Improved employee focus
  • Improved employee engagement
  • Health and Wellbeing initiatives

Awareness & engagement

Regular communication reinforces the message that health and wellbeing is important7.

Our programme of wellbeing campaigns raise awareness and encourage proactive engagement with personal wellbeing and support for others throughout the year.

Posters, emails, and wellbeing initiative ideas are provided FREE through the portal wellbeing hub as a calendar of campaigns to provide you with resources to share with the business. 

  • Proactive wellbeing support
  • Employee engagement
  • Wellbeing focus


7 What Works Wellbeing 

The Lifestyle Checkpoint offers employees the opportunity to monitor their own health and wellbeing measures, empowering them to manage their own health and encourage positive behaviour change. 

Measures such as blood pressure, body mass index, hydration, body fat, bone mass and metabolism.

Results from previous customers have shown that people will engage when the chance is there to find out their numbers on-site and had a positive effect on health & wellbeing. 

The Lifestyle Checkpoint Kiosk is available to hire – please contact us for details. 

  • Proactive wellbeing support
  • Employee engagement
  • Wellbeing focus

A 30-minute telephone consultation with a trained counsellor to offer one-off, support for employees to talk about work or non-work-related issues. This could be a specific issue or a chance to share with someone trained to listen who can offer wellbeing tips as needed.

Bookings can be managed by us to maintain confidentiality if required.

  • Reduced sickness absence
  • Improved employee focus
  • Confidential, tailored support

Wellbeing Champions can support your ongoing wellbeing strategy coordinating Campaign Messaging and bringing your policy to life.

We can guide you through the process of promoting and selecting Wellbeing Champions and provide the necessary training to develop competence and confidence in this area. 

  • Improved reactive support
  • Improved confidence
  • Strategy in action
health and wellbeing
Services we provide
Sector specific guidance
Customer feedback
“The College are extremely happy with the prompt, professional and reliable service that is provided by Peritus. They are flexible and creative in their approach working with us to provide the best support for Colleagues. This has been demonstrated in our absence figures. This year alone the number of sick days was down 10% on the comparable period last year. Peritus played a central role in helping us to achieve this.”

Head of Human Resources, Halifax

Contact us

At Peritus Health we’re determined to make the occupational health and hygiene process as easy as possible. We’re here to help you every step of the way. We are available Monday to Friday from 8am until 5pm. 

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We are here to make the occupational health and hygiene process as easy as possible.

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We are here to make the occupational health and hygiene process as easy as possible.