Occupational Health maintains the mental and physical wellbeing of employees in the workplace. Peritus Health provides independent advice to prevent work-related illness and injury but also to promote the health of all employees. It consists of various health checks and support to help employees stay well.
What is an Occupational Health Assessment?
An occupational health assessment is a medical assessment of an employee by an occupational health professional. Its main aim is to advise employers on the health of the employee and make recommendations on what changes need to be made to encourage safe working practices, monitor the health of employees and manage sickness absence.
Different Types of Occupational Health Assessments
There are many different types of occupational health assessments. The type of assessment you receive will depend on the job. Assessments can include:
- Pre-employment health assessment – evaluate an individual once an offer of employment has been accepted. Pre-employment assessments usually consist of a questionnaire and/or a medical examination and tests.
- Safety Critical Medical – determine whether it is safety critical in nature and in the event of a worker incapacity, it would likely result in a significant risk of harm to the individual worker performing the task or to others.
- Display Screen equipment assessment – promotes good postural awareness and good workstation setup for employees working at computer desks most of their day.
- Fitness for work assessment – similar to a pre-employment check, but fitness for work examinations are carried out periodically throughout an employees working career.
- Noise survey assessment – help to understand noise risks so you can manage them effectively, improving worker health protection.
Be compliant
Employers must choose a competent occupational health provider and ensure assessments are carried out in line with current health and safety and employment laws. Employees must also consent before being referred to occupational health, and the information obtained must always be kept confidential.
Visit our Health Surveillance page for more information and to find out if you need an occupational health assessment at your workplace. Get in touch if you have any questions, we would be more than happy to answer them for you.