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Pancreatic Cancer Awareness

Although cancer survival rates have been improving in recent years, this is not the case for pancreatic cancer. Currently, more than half of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer die within 3 months. Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month, taking place in November, aims to change this by transforming how we detect, diagnose, treat, and care for people with pancreatic cancer.

Early diagnosis is crucial to improve outcomes for people diagnosed, however, most people with pancreatic cancer are diagnosed at a late stage, with 1 in 2 people being diagnosed via an emergency, such as in A&E.

Signs and Symptoms

If you notice the symptoms below and they are unusual for you, do not ignore them. See your GP as soon as possible. It is helpful to keep a diary of your symptoms so that your GP is able to clearly understand what has been happening; symptom diaries are available from Pancreatic Cancer Action.

If you notice these symptoms and they are unusual for you, do not ignore them. See your GP as soon as possible. It is helpful to keep a diary of your symptoms so that your GP is able to clearly understand what has been happening; symptom diaries are available from Pancreatic Cancer Action.

How can Peritus Health Management help?

If you, or your employees, are affected by pancreatic cancer we are able to offer occupational health support. We can also offer toolbox talks and training to help employees manage their own health and identify signs and symptoms early.

pancreatic cancer awareness

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We are here to make the occupational health and hygiene process as easy as possible.